Our Commitment to Racial Justice & Equity
MCA is working to meaningfully recognize the inextricable link between our pro-environment, pro-climate, pro-democracy mission and racial justice and equity. We are deeply committed to fostering inclusivity, but have come to understand that we must address the power structures, and our complicity in them, that have created racial divisions.
We recognize that we need to continue to invest in our own learning, tapping technical expertise and coaching to build our shared analysis and ability to operationalize it, as well as new norms that can support and reflect our equity commitment.
We are open to what we need to do to be a better partner and listener to communities of color, to be a truly safe and welcoming organization, and to deliver results that benefit communities most impacted by environmental injustices.
We are committed to fostering intersectionality and humility, maintaining transparency in our decision-making processes, supporting the visions of communities of color, and using our role as a convener to reframe the conversation around conservation. We are committed to continuing to listen, learn, converse, and evolve as we strengthen our relationships with Mainers to protect this state we love.